This small unit of work covers the following learning objectives:
Identify the addends and sum
Identify place value
Add using column addition (intended as a practical lesson, not in books)
Add using column addition
Each lesson follows the lesson outline and structure of:
Address Misconception
Guided Practice
Talk Task
Independent Practice (this slide uses a now/next/last template to support independence)
Next Steps
The printouts that are provided follows a clear pogression. The tasks are labelled as ‘fluency/ problem solving/ reasoning’.
#mastery #mathsmastery #ncetm #maths #primarymath #whiterose #year2 #year3 #columnmethod #addition #columnaddition #stemsentence#diagnosticquestion
This is a unit of work that is inspired by the planning from NCETM Year 4 Unit 5.
The learning outcomes that the NCETM state are covered in this unit if planning are as follows:
1 Pupils represent counting in sevens as the 7 times table
2 Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of seven
3 Pupils use their knowledge of the 7 times table to solve problems
4 Pupils identify patterns of odd and even numbers in the times tables
5 Pupils represent a square number
6 Pupils use knowledge of divisibility rules to solve problems
In this unit of work the learning objectives are the following:
Revise column method for + and -
Count in and multiply by 7
Solve 7 times table problems
Identify patterns of odd and even numbers in times tables
Identify square numbers
Find divisibility rules
Find divisibility rules
Each lesson follows the Powerpoint slide structure of:
Address Misonceptions
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
These lessons follow a mastery approach and have been commented on by OFSTED as being a great tool for great maths teaching.
Print-outs are provided.
The following elements are mastery teaching are used throughout:
stem sentences, generalisations, high-level vocabulary, the slides allow for a ping-pong approach, clear and varied visual representations, opportunities for using resources etc.
Worksheets provided follow the structure of: Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning to ensure progression.
3 of these lessons are not intended to be in books and do not come with ‘next steps’ but the rest do. This is to allow next steps and progress to be een within books for that lesson.
Here are 28 Guided Reading lessons. Each lesson comes with a set of questions based on the reading VIPERS.
Questions are to be stuck in books for children to answer.
This was originally made for a Year 4 class so could easily be adapted up to Year 5 or down to Year 3.
Most lessons have two sets of differentiated questions.
Tasks in this unit include:
Diary writing
sequencing the story
book review
Answering questions